Marker Therapeutics - Our Science
Our Science
MAR-T Cell Technology

Leveraging millions of years of immunologic evolution, Marker’s unique Multi-Antigen Recognizing T cell (MAR-T cell) technology utilizes a non-genetically modified cell therapy approach that selectively expands natural tumor-specific T cells from a patient’s blood that are capable of recognizing a broad range of tumor antigens. Unlike other cell therapies, MAR-T cells allow the recognition of hundreds of different portions, known as epitopes, within up to six tumor-specific antigens, thereby reducing the possibility of tumor escape for an effective tumor cell killing. Data from our clinical trials have shown that MAR-T cells are well-tolerated, with no CRS or ICANs, and have potential clinical benefits such as a broad, potent, and durable anti-tumor response.

MultiTAA Tabs

Targets Multiple
Tumor Antigens

Marker’s unique MAR-T cell technology differs significantly from today’s leading cell therapies, which are genetically engineered to recognize a single portion (or epitope) of a single tumor-associated antigen. Compared to other cell therapies, MAR-T cells lack genetic engineering and recognize hundreds of epitopes within up to six tumor-specific antigens for a broad, potent, and durable anti-tumor response.


MAR-T cells have been well-tolerated in clinical trials to date with no CRS or ICANs and may have reduced toxicities compared to current engineered CAR-T and T cell receptor-based therapies.

T Cells

MAR-T cells lack genetic engineering and are based on the selective expansion of a patient’s natural T cells without the risk of mutagenesis and secondary malignancies, which are associated with genetically modified therapies such as CD19-directed CAR-T cells.


MAR-T cells are significantly less expensive to manufacture than genetically engineered T cells. The cell manufacturing process is efficient and scalable.